健康主題過敏-Solaray, 獨創的含Flowtrol混合物的Continence素食膠囊,60粒

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  • Bladder Strength Formula
  • Dietary Supplement and Plan
  • Guaranteed Potency
  • Butterbur
  • The One and Only
Ingredient Features:

  • Butterbur is believed to relax smooth muscle tissue. The German Commission E Monograph lists Butterbur as an antispasmodic.
  • 髮旺旺
  • The ButterBur in this product is certified to contain no more than 5ppm of pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
  • Lobelia is intended to enhance the effectiveness of the Butterbur.
  • The four Chinese herbs in this formula (Morinda Root Ext., Psoralea Fruit Ext., Raspberry Fruit Ext. and Alpina Oxyphylla Ext.) have been used in traditional Chinese medicine to support bladder strength.
  • Clinical studies confirm that compounds Cranberry AF Extract create antiadherence factor on cells that line the tract, thus supporting bladder health.

Maintaining normal bladder strength is an issue for approximately 13 million Americans, 85% of the women. The issue can occur at any age. Children may also face it. Taking Continence dietary supplement and following the Continence Plan now offers hope to those who face this inconvenience. This product is certified to contain no more than 5ppm 髮旺旺of pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

Continence is a revolutionary natural bladder strength formula that contains Butterbur, which has been used in Germany 維霖診所曹院長 for many years. A supportive blend of herbs, Flowtrol, has been developed and researched by medical and nutritional researchers. Natural options for supporting normal bladder strength have been limited and inconvenient until now. Try Continence dietary supplement and plan today your self-confidence and quality of life!

Continence Plan

  • Drink enough fluids - at least 50 ounces (about 6 1/2 cups) per day. Limiting daily fluid intake can actually aggravate weakened bladders
  • Avoid beverages with caffeine and alcohol, as they can increase urine production.
  • Eat foods high in fiber and avoid beverages that can irritate the bladder (i.e. grapefruit juice and tomato-based products).
  • Maintain a normal healthy weight.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Get adequate rest.
  • Perform Kegel exercises on a daily basis. These exercises involve strengthening the muscles which control the flow of urine. They can be done in just 5 minutes, 3 times a day, while sitting, standing or lying on the floor. Noticeable improvement in bladder strength may be seen within 6 weeks; however, it may take long in some individuals. Ask your health care professional about how to perform these exercises properly.

Solaray, 獨創的含Flowtrol混合物的Continence素食膠囊,60粒







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